Friday, May 28, 2010

Short Post

If I ever told you that I wasn't concerned about finding an internship when school ends....well, I lied.  I'm a liar.  A big, crazy, knitting liar.  I'm terrified!  I don't think I fully realized that school is ending in two weeks.  Two weeks!  Can you believe that?  I've been so preoccupied with other things that it didn't even occur to me that June 10th (my last day of classes) was so quickly approaching.  None of the places that I've applied to have either gotten back to me in the first place, or if they have, it's only been to tell me that they don't take interns.  Who's going to say no to free labor?  Hopefully I'll find something soon, it's just scary not knowing when the end date is in sight.

I got my final grade for breads - 98!  That's just crazy talk.  Anyone who knew me in high school is scratching their heads in disbelief right now.  That's probably also because, as of now, I have perfect attendance (what??) for the first time in my life.  Seriously, I've never once cared about not missing classes until now, which is funny because I think I only have one other classmate who hasn't missed any either. 

Unfortunately I can't post much right now, but I promised to put up a much more detailed post tonight with lots of pictures.  Here are some previews to hold you over till then:
- Ice Cream & Doughnuts
- The revolt against BB, complete with line-o-rama courtesy of Mark
- Cookie spoons
- A new Mario Brothers cake
- Petit fours with edible plates

That's all for now, but I would like to make a request.  My instructor's Dad has become very sick, very quickly.  He has a incredibly aggressive form of lung cancer that has now spread to his bone marrow.  We're all trying to keep it together for our Chef so that she can take her mind off of things every once in a while, but I'd like to ask for your help.  If you can please keep Big Mike in your thoughts and prayers, I know it would really mean a lot to his whole family.  Thank you, so much.



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