Monday, March 29, 2010

Fondant and Unleavened Bread

I was happy to be in class today but I felt really worn out for most of the day.  I had a terrible headache, plus we had a piping quiz - these two things do not equal happiness, trust me.  I feel okay about the piping practical, but not great.  My rose was good and so were my borders, but my writing needs a lot of work.  I suppose it's just one of those things that requires repetitive practice, but there are only so many times that you can practice writing, "Happy Birthday" in icing before you go insane.

Tomorrow we're using fondant for the first time and then it's on to our first stacked cake.  I've been searching online for ideas for the next few cakes (Hello Mr. Fondant...) and thought - hey, I should ask you!

So, dear blog readers - do you have any fun, funny and/or interesting ideas for a cake theme?  Just remember - keep it clean. I don't want to get kicked out of pastry school ;)

In other news, tonight is the first night of Passover - the feast of unleavened bread.  Otherwise known as the worst time in the world for me to be suddenly immersed in the production and eating of baked goods.  Dave and I had a small dinner at home tonight and tomorrow we'll be joining the Erich clan at our friend Josh's apartment for the second night seder.  I'm hoping that Josh will have a crown for whoever finds the afikomen first...afikomen - you are mine!

At least Dave will finally have the right holiday when he asks if we need to open the door for Elijah

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